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Prices at our farmhouse in Costa Verde in Arbus


Rates are referret to a single person. For further informations call +39 349 19 55 182

Starting 1th march 2024 city taxes  will be charged for € 2,50 per person per night till the 10th consecutive night.

Persons who won't have to pay city taxes are:

  • Children till 12 years old;
  • People over 60 years old;
  • Sick people who have to visit healtcare facilities;
  • One assistant per people indicated at previous poin;
  • People with certified disabilities;
  • Students for certified attendance of courses at accredited institutions;
  • People accomodated following measures by public authorities;
  • Volunteers who serve during disasters;
  • Drivers and group leaders for groups organized by travel agencies;
  • Drivers and one group leader every 25 participants;
  • Police and authorities who carry out public order and security services.


Bed & Breakfast
45 €
Half Board
72 € (75€ in August)
Children up to 24 months
15 €
Children up to 8 years old
50% off
Children between 9 and 12 years old
30% off
Price charge for 1 night stays
5 €

Tipical sardinian meal from 23 to 30 euro
*Full Board unavailable from June to September
(Rate for weddings and events to be agreed)

L'Aquila farmhouse, entering Costa Verde, in Arbus (SU) countryside in Sardinia.

Hidden in the wild Costa Verde, between mountain and sea, in Arbus (SU) countryside.

In evidenza